The world of cannabis includes A LOT of jargon, which can certainly get confusing at times. The different abbreviated compounds and cannabinoids, the several parts of the plant, and the cultivation processes are important to differentiate in order to properly understand cannabis full-scope. One of the common misconceptions that people have is distinguishing the difference between hemp and marijuana. People tend to associate these two as one in the same, or as “strains” or “species”, when in reality they’re two separate classifications of cannabis.  In this article, Seabedee will explain and differentiate hemp and marijuana. We will start with my girl Mary-Jane (marijuana).


Marijuana is a term that captures all cannabis that contains more than 0.3% and up to 30% of THC, therefore it can induce euphoric and psychotropic effects when administered. For this reason, marijuana is still treated as a controlled substance in the USA that is federally illegal under the Controlled Substance Act. However, individual states have made their own laws regarding marijuana use, some allowing for its medical use and others allowing for its recreational use too. 33 states condone medical use of marijuana, while only 11 states allow for its medicinal and recreational use (California, where Seabedee is based out of, is one of the 11 states). Marijuana plants also can contain CBD content, however the THC content is much more abundant. 

The effects of marijuana are experienced differently depending on who you are, how often you use, and the your dose. The feeling that marijuana has on the user is often referred to as being “high”, as well as “stoned”, “baked” or “ripped”. It is pretty obvious to distinguish someone who is high, unless they’re an experienced user or one of those “marijuana-unicorns” that function favorably while high. Otherwise, the give away is in the eyes (bloodshot & glassy) and the motor skills/cognitive speed (slower). Although marijuana is most commonly acknowledged for its recreational use, research studies have found many benefits of using marijuana medicinally. Some of its medicinal purposes are: Relief from chemotherapy symptoms, anti-nausea, pain relief, anxiety relief, and glaucoma. 

Marijuana is grown in a controlled environment that is designed to accentuate the specific characteristics and produce female plants that are rich in budding flowers. The flowers are what contain the THC/CBD, which are the compounds that are used for their medicinal and recreational purposes. Marijuana farms have very specific conditions that allow for the successful growth of the plants, and the farming process is tedious, requiring careful and conscious skills to manifest healthy, flowering plants. Some factors that come in to play are: lighting, humidity, temperature and time. Once ready to be cultivated, marijuana flowers are short and bush-like, and have flowering tops composed of leaves and buds.  


Hemp is a term used to describe cannabis with a THC content of 0.3% or less. It does not cause a user to experience any euphoric or psychotropic effects because it has such a low content of THC. On the other hand, hemp contains abundant amounts of CBD, which is a major reason for why it is farmed. CBD, along with many other cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils make up what has been termed Full Spectrum CBD, because it contains all the hemp plant’s naturally occurring compounds. Under the 2018 Farm Bill Act, hemp can be legally cultivated and used in the USA, unlike marijuana which is still considered to be federally illegal. This means that hemp can be grown for its many uses that range from lotions and topical creams to hemp-derived CBD gummies, and even can be used to make resources like clothing and rope. In this article, however, we will only be looking at the ways that hemp is cultivated for it’s CBD and other cannabinoids found in the plant. These cannabinoids have been boasted for their medicinal uses, and CBD has become a major trend in the recent years, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill Act. 

Hemp does not get you “high” because the THC content is not substantial enough, if even present at all, to induce any euphoric effects. However, there are many notable effects of CBD use to wellbeing and health, as well as one FDA-approved medication for seizures that is primarily composed of CBD. A few of the most commonly cited effects people experience from using CBD is: Inflammation reduction, calm mental state, pain relief, sleep aid and less feelings of anxiousness and depression. Some of the potential benefits of CBD use include: Improvement of heart health, possible neuroprotective properties, antipsychotic effects, facilitate substance abuse treatment, diabetes prevention and anti-tumor effects. For these reasons listed above, CBD has become a major trend in the modern world, bringing lucrative outcomes to the CBD industry. Come shop the best quality CBD products today at Seabedee! Just click the link here

Hemp plants look a lot different than marijuana plants, and their farming practices differ as well. Hemp is grown outdoors and their care is considered to be low-maintenance in comparison to that of marijuana. The purpose of farming hemp is to cultivate plants that are substantial in size and yield. Hemp plants, when done growing and ready to be farmed, are tall, slender stalks with leaves that are shaped like palmate. The flowers are minuscule and typically take a yellowish-green hue. Seed-producing hemp produces flowers that look like clusters of pollen(elongate) growing on the pistillate, meaning it is a female plant. 

IN SUM: The primary difference between hemp and marijuana is the THC content: In hemp it must contain 0.3% or less of THC, and in marijuana it must be more than that and can exceed 30% THC content. Their uses and legal statuses are also quite different and must be understood before using. If you are considering using either of these cannabis-derived plants, talk to a professional. When given the “thumbs up”, head on over to Seabedee’s website to check out all of our premium CBD products! Shop Seabedee today!