Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, has hit the market with force and astonishing popularity. Retail shelves are stocked with a variety of CBD products: CBD Gummies, CBD Oils, CBD Topicals, the list goes on and on!  

One of the most popular ways of taking CBD Oil is by administering it under the tongue, which is referred to as the sublingual method. Sublingual CBD is an excellent method because it is easy to use, fast-acting and effective.

Seabedee offers a several top-grade CBD Oils that target the specific needs of our consumers. But before you head to our website to purchase Seabedee’s Premium CBD Oils, we want to tell you all about Sublingual CBD. Why is CBD taken under the tongue? How is sublingual CBD supposed to be taken? Is sublingual CBD effective and safe? We have all the answers you need to be sublingual CBD savvy. Stay tuned and read below for the must-know’s on this favored CBD method.

Why Is CBD Taken Under The Tongue?

Administering CBD under your tongue may seem a bit strange at first. It’s not very often that we use products in this way, but the reasons for taking CBD in this way are valid.

Sublingual is a term used to reference the large blood vessel located underneath of your tongue. When CBD oil is dropped onto this blood vessel, it is easily absorbed into your bloodstream, making it a fast-acting and nearly effortless method for reaping the wellness benefits CBD has to offer. Taking CBD under the tongue allows the CBD to get in your bloodstream almost immediately, which is why sublingual CBD is known to be highly effective. In fact, one study found that the sublingual method allows CBD to absorb at much higher rates than the oral method, since it bypasses the the digestive system and therefore isn’t broken down. Once CBD reaches the bloodstream, it is utilized and transported to the body tissues. 

How Is Sublingual CBD Supposed To Be Taken?

The sublingual method is straightforward, time-efficient and discreet. The steps to administering CBD sublingually are simple: Open your mouth, lift your tongue up to the roof of your mouth, and drop CBD oil under your tongue using the dropper. The suggested dose should be located on the label or packaging of your CBD product, so make sure to reference that to find out how much CBD oil you should take. Once you have the CBD oil under your tongue, hold it there for 60-90 seconds. Why? Glad you asked. A minute or two is the standard amount of time your mucus membranes need to absorb the CBD compounds. Any CBD oil remaining after this allotted time can be swallowed and chased with water, if desired.  

Is Sublingual CBD Effective & Safe?

Taking CBD sublingually one of the most effective ways to take CBD, if not the most effective. This is due to its high absorption rate, as discussed in the previous paragraph. In terms of safety, sublingual CBD is practically risk-free. The only thing that could cause you harm is if the CBD oil is poor quality, or if you are allergic to any of the ingredients involved in the CBD oil blend. Avoid both of these potential hazards by buying from a reputable CBD brand like Seabedee, where you’ll only find natural ingredients and top-quality CBD oil in the products.

Ready To Try Sublingual CBD?!

Check out our shop to find the product that suits your sublingual needs.