Quarantine and Face Masks Weren’t Enough: COVID-19 Bestowed Anxiety on the World
As we spend our days uncertain about the future of COVID-19, waiting for life to return to normalcy, many of us are experiencing anxiety, fear, and stress. While it is natural to have these feelings from time to time, the stress surrounding a global pandemic is unfamiliar to many, and the sheer breadth of unanswered questions, skepticism, and varying information is more than enough to produce disquietude and perplexities.
If you’re experiencing these feelings, finding yourself regularly distracted and down, the magnitude of research and statistics can verify that you are not alone. For instance, a study on mental health changes in the UK before and during the pandemic found that there was an overall increase in mental distress among people of 16 years or older as compared to the year prior. Furthermore, the analysis confirms that this rise was significantly higher than the expected increase based on the trajectory tracked from 2014–2019, deeming the pandemic its main cause.
Reading about the many studies that have validated this information, it seems we might be minimizing nurturing our mental health amidst the chaos — even before COVID-19 reared its head, anxiety prevalence was on the rise. And with the constantly evolving technological advancements and ensuing stresses, this comes as no surprise.
Although the research mentioned above is far from optimistic, we are lucky to live during a time in which various anxiety remedies exist — if you have the access to some of these, there’s no harm in doing experimenting. After all, what else are you doing? Enter: CBD.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound found in the cannabis plant. Although it is known as the cousin of THC, the main ingredient in marijuana, CBD is not psychoactive — unlike marijuana, CBD does not produce the “high” associated with THC. While there remain a multitude of unanswered questions about its efficacy, there is a large scope of research pointing to the very real benefits of CBD. These include having remedial effects for both long-term and short-term conditions. For example, a 2018 study determined that users found CBD an effective treatment for various conditions, with most relating to chronic pain and inflammation.
How can CBD Facilitate COVID-19-Based Anxiety?
Even more compelling, with the mental health consequences of coronavirus, is CBD’s effectivity in helping counteract mental-health conditions. In the same study mentioned above, the top three conditions participants intended to treat were pain, anxiety, and depression.
Numerous researchers have illustrated CBD’s ability to improve anxiety and sleep disorders. Given the general surge in anxiety disorders and depression paired with the coronavirus’s continual impact, CBD could be key to managing anxiety in the face of chaos and fear. In fact, CBD usage has been increasing among consumers directly in regard to the effects of COVID. Patient reports, clinical studies, and patient anecdotes have largely been positive, promoting the use of CBD through its facilitation of improving both physical and mental health.
Among the emerging research, CBD has grown popular on the market, with many competing businesses. SeaBeDee, a CBD manufacturer based in San Diego, provides complete transparency, offering all information about products and a money back guarantee if products don’t satisfy. SeaBeDee offers various forms of CBD, including tinctures, edibles, creams, skincare, and capsules — even bath bombs! In addition, their products are made from organically grown hemp — through their delicate extraction process, they ensure you will get the highest concentration possible of cannabinoids.