Can’t Sleep? You’re Not Alone.

If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, join the club. According to the CDC, 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep, and even more, 50-70 million adults in the U.S. suffer from sleep disorders.

So you can’t sleep, you complain to your doctor and hope for a solution so you can get your well earned, and certainly needed, beauty rest. BUT… they prescribe you something, and let’s be real: it makes you feel some type of way. And by “way” I mean you wake up drowsy, carry that through most of your day and feel zombie-esque and inadequate. Or, you take something for sleep, and suddenly sleepwalk to the market a mile away, buy a pint of ice cream, and somehow end up back in bed without recollection of anything… besides the reminders AKA the chocolate-stained shirt you’re wearing. Let’s be real: Prescribed medication for sleep is not all it’s cracked up to be.

People who understand this to be true tend to investigate alternative routes to sleeping soundly; melatonin and CBD providing as excellent candidates. If any of this resonates with you, or you’re simply looking for more natural ways to get a good night’s sleep, you’ve come to the right place. We are here to break down a few of the popular, all-natural sleep remedies. What are they? CBD and Melatonin.

CBD For Sleep.

Cannabidiol, known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid derived from cannabis that works naturally with the human endocannabinoid system to improve the body’s function. CBD is legal throughout all 50 of the United States, and has been evidenced to improve a multitude of health conditions, including epilepsy. While CBD is classified as a legitimate treatment for seizures, it is not considered a treatment for other health conditions. These other conditions are founded on personal testimonies and preclinical trials, which speak on behalf of its ability to: Help reduce anxiety, depression, insomnia, inflammation, and help improve immune function, muscle recovery, the microbiome and cardiovascular health.

The interaction between CBD in the body is somewhat underrated. Our ECS systems work innately with the components of CBD to promote regular body functioning, including sleep. Add some more sleep-positive ingredients to the mix, and you’ve got the full sleep CBD package: CBD Sleep Blend CBD Oil.

CBD Sleep Blend CBD Oil:

CBD Sleep Blend Oil All Natural Sleep Aids CBD vs. Melatonin

The gold standard for all-natural sleep aids lies in the bottle of a CBD tincture. That’s right: CBD is an excellent alternative to prescription sedatives and hypnotics. Waking up refreshed is more than just a good feeling—it’s a god-send for your hormones, mood, and energy. The bottom line is, few habits are more important for overall health than deep, restorative sleep, and CBD can help you get there. This CBD Sleep Blend is the best one offered on the market, each bottle containing 500mg of CBD with 75mg of synergistic CBN and CBG.  Together, these soothing cannabinoids boost each others’ effects. Not to play favorites, but this Sleep Blend is also offered in Lavender, and that stuff can be especially potent. In clinical trials, lavender essential oils are shown to relax the muscles and promote slow-wave sleep. If you need a little extra support, try the CBD Sleep Bundle, which combines the Lavender Sleep Blend CBD Oil with delicious CBD Gummy Bears and the soothing Algae & Spirulina Regenerating Mask.  So what are you waiting for? Get ready for the best, naturally-induced sleep ever and head on over to the Seabedee online store to shop the highest quality CBD products online today!


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