One of the most frequently asked questions in regard to CBD use is how long it lasts in the body. Unfortunately there’s no single short-answer to this question because of the factors that play into it. This article will tell you more about the factors that effect how long CBD remains in your body, as well as provide you with a general estimate for how long CBD remains in your system.

According to an article published by Healthline, CBD generally stays in the body for 2 to 5 days— but that doesn’t apply to everyone. A number of factors must be considered when evaluating how long CBD stays in your system, including: Individual metabolism, Dosage, Intake Method, Frequency and Quality.

  • Individual metabolism: Metabolism refers to the uptake and breakdown of substances. In general terms, it’s an indication of the rate at which the body breaks things down to transform into energy. The metabolic rate of humans varies from person to person, so while some people can digest, utilize and expel what they’ve consumed rather quickly,  other people’s metabolisms may take more time to complete the same process. Additionally, things like your BMI (body mass indexand water content may also affect the length of time CBD is present in your system.
  • Dosage: As is the case with most medications, the dosage is an important factor to be considered when determining how long CBD will likely stay in your body. The higher the dose, the more likely it is for CBD to stay in your system longer. 
  • Intake Method: Naturally, the mode of intake determines the method of uptake. CBD can either be directly absorbed into the bloodstream or pass through the gastrointestinal tract to the stomach. The time it takes for a CBD product to reach the liver (with regard to the specific path it takes to get there) is dependent on the intake method, and therefore the method of intake plays an important role in determining how long CBD lasts in the body.
  • Frequency: The frequency of use also influences how long CBD stays in your system. Because CBD builds up in the body over time, it is more likely to stay in your system longer if you have been using CBD on a regular basis. The more frequent and consistent the CBD use, the longer it tends to stay in the body.
  • Quality: The length of time CBD remains in your system also depends on the quality of the product. It is always best to use high-quality CBD oil and products to ensure it doesn’t cause any undesired side effects. High-quality can be identified by ensuring that the brand who produced the CBD product is reputable and checking that the product was 3rd party lab tested. 

What’s also important to determine is the onset of the effects of CBD before it wears off. While some products that interact with the bloodstream trigger the effects instantly, other products applied topically take a longer time to kick in. The products that do enter the bloodstream, the effects last shorter than those applied topically. The effects of topical application last for four to six hours and are localized.

A good rule of thumb would be to assume that CBD lasts in your body for 7 days. Unless you’re a consistent, long-time user of heavy doses of  CBD, it is unlikely to stay in your system any longer than a week.  

It may also be helpful to note that the half-life (time taken for a substance to reduce to half its potency) of CBD, when taken orally, is 1-2 days. Ideally, this means that your system will be cleared of CBD within 3-4 days after ingestion, give or take.